Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

Table of Contents

Chennai is a hub of medical excellence, especially when it comes to orthopedic care. This guide will help you navigate through the options available and find the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai for your knee health needs.

Why Choose the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai?

Choosing the Best Knee Surgeon in Chennai is crucial for several reasons:

  • Expertise and Specialization: These surgeons possess specialized knowledge in knee-related issues, ensuring precise diagnoses and customized treatment plans.
  • Advanced Techniques: They employ the latest surgical advancements for optimal care.
  • Comprehensive Care: Beyond surgery, they offer holistic care including pre-operative and post-operative support.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Treatment plans are tailored to individual patient needs, prioritizing your health and recovery.

Selecting the Best Knee Surgeon in Chennai guarantees expert care and a patient-focused approach.

Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

Key Traits of Top Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai

When searching for the Best Knee Replacement doctor in Chennai, consider these qualities:

  • Experience and Track Record: Look for surgeons known for their successful surgical outcomes.
  • Board Certification: Verify that the surgeon holds recognized certifications.
  • Positive Patient Feedback: Seek testimonials that reflect the surgeon’s expertise and patient satisfaction.
  • Effective Communication: A good surgeon should clearly explain all aspects of the procedure and recovery.

Assessing these qualities will help you find the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai.

Types of Knee Replacement Surgery

The Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai will offer various surgical options, including:

  • Total Knee Replacement (TKR): Complete replacement of the knee joint.
  • Partial Knee Replacement: Only the affected portion of the knee is substituted.
  • Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement: Involves smaller incisions for quicker recovery.
  • Revision Knee Replacement: Replaces or corrects a previous implant.
  • Bilateral Knee Replacement: Both knees are replaced, typically in staged surgeries.
  • Kneecap Replacement (Patellofemoral Arthroplasty): Involves only the kneecap and its groove.

Understanding these options helps in discussing possibilities with the Best Knee Surgeon in Chennai.

How to Find the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

To find the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai, consider:

  • Referrals and Recommendations: Get suggestions from medical professionals or acquaintances.
  • Online Reviews: Check patient reviews for insights on different surgeons.
  • Hospital Affiliation: Choose doctors associated with reputable hospitals.
  • Consultation Experience: Meeting with the surgeon can provide a sense of their approach and your comfort level.

These steps will guide you to the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai.

Top Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai

Dr. Prakash Selvam

Dr. Prakash Selvam is highly acclaimed as the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai. His expertise and dedication to patient care have established him as a leader in orthopedic surgery. Here are some key highlights:

  • Extensive Experience: Decades of specialization in knee replacement.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Consistently high ratings from patients for successful outcomes.
  • Advanced Techniques: Utilizes cutting-edge surgical methods for optimal results.
  • Holistic Approach: Focuses on comprehensive care, from initial consultation to post-operative rehabilitation.

Patients trust Dr. Selvam for his skill and compassionate approach to orthopedic care.

Dr. A. Subair Khan

Dr. A. Subair Khan is recognized as a top Best Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, known for his extensive experience and a patient-centered approach to orthopedic care. Here are some notable aspects of his practice:

  • Expertise in Knee Replacement: Specializes in both total and partial knee replacements.
  • Patient-Centric Care: Emphasizes individual patient needs and customized treatment plans.
  • Advanced Surgical Skills: Well-versed in the latest minimally invasive techniques.
  • Reputation for Excellence: Highly regarded by peers and patients for his clinical skills and compassionate care.

Dr. Khan’s commitment to excellence makes him a preferred choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

Dr. L. Bharath

Dr. L. Bharath stands out as a distinguished Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai, renowned for his precision and dedicated approach to orthopedic care. His professional attributes include:

  • Specialization in Knee Surgery: Expert in total knee replacement and revision surgeries.
  • Cutting-edge Techniques: Utilizes state-of-the-art surgical methods for enhanced recovery.
  • High Patient Satisfaction: Known for delivering excellent outcomes and thorough post-operative care.
  • Comprehensive Care Approach: Provides personalized treatment plans from diagnosis through rehabilitation.

Dr. Bharath’s expertise ensures top-tier care for patients seeking knee replacement in Chennai.

Prof. Dr. S. Sundar

Prof. Dr. S. Sundar is highly esteemed as one of the Best Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, noted for his innovative approaches and substantial contributions to the field of orthopedics. Here are some key milestones from his career:

  • Innovative Surgical Leader: Renowned for pioneering advanced knee replacement techniques.
  • Academic and Clinical Excellence: Combines teaching with clinical practice, enhancing his expertise.
  • Outstanding Patient Outcomes: Known for high success rates and patient satisfaction.
  • Holistic Treatment Plans: Focuses on comprehensive care, integrating latest research into patient treatment protocols.

Prof.Dr. Sundar’s approach ensures superior care and recovery for his patients.

Dr. M. Subramanian

Dr. M. Subramanian is celebrated as one of the Best Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, recognized for his meticulous attention to detail and patient-focused approach. Here are some key aspects of his practice:

  • Advanced Surgical Expertise: Specializes in both total and partial knee replacements, using the latest techniques.
  • Dedication to Patient Care: Known for a personalized approach that addresses the unique needs of each patient.
  • Proven Track Record: Highly regarded for consistent, successful surgical outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: Emphasizes extensive post-operative care to ensure optimal recovery.

Dr. Subramanian’s commitment to excellence makes him a trusted choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

Dr. Madan Mohan Reddy

Dr. Madan Mohan Reddy, MBBS, MS Orthopaedics, is esteemed as one of the premier Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, celebrated for his unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach. Here’s an overview of his practice:

  • Advanced Surgical Expertise: Dr. Reddy specializes in both total and partial knee replacements, employing cutting-edge techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for his patients.
  • Dedication to Patient Care: Renowned for his personalized approach, Dr. Reddy prioritizes understanding each patient’s unique needs and concerns accordingly to deliver the best possible results.
  • Proven Track Record: With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Reddy has garnered a reputation for consw29istently achieving successful surgical outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: Dr. Reddy places a strong emphasis on comprehensive post-operative care, providing ongoing support and guidance to his patients throughout their recovery journey .

Dr. Madan Mohan Reddy’s unwavering dedication to excellence and his compassionate approach to patient care make him a trusted and respected choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

Dr. J. Balamurugan

Dr. J. Balamurugan, MBBS, D.Ortho, DNB (Ortho), FIPO(UK), is renowned as one of the foremost Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, acclaimed for his dedication to precision and patient-centered care. Here’s an overview of his practice:

  • Advanced Surgical Expertise: Dr. Balamurugan specializes in total and partial knee replacements, employing the latest advancements in surgical techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for his patients.
  • Dedication to Patient Care: Dr. Balamurugan is recognized for his personalized approach, taking the time to understand each patient’s individual needs and concerns, and crafting tailored treatment plans to address them effectively.
  • Proven Track Record: With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Balamurugan has established a reputation for consistently delivering successful surgical outcomes, earning the trust and admiration31 of both patients and colleagues.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: Dr. Balamurugan places great importance on comprehensive post-operative care, providing thorough follow-up support to his patients to promote optimal recovery and long-term joint health.

Dr. J. Balamurugan’s unwavering commitment to excellence and his patient-centric approach make him a trusted and respected choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

Dr. R. M. Alagappan 

Dr. R. M. Alagappan is esteemed as one of the leading Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai, renowned for his meticulous attention to detail and patient-centered approach. Here’s a snapshot of his practice:

  • Advanced Surgical Expertise: Dr. Alagappan specializes in both total and partial knee replacements, utilizing the latest surgical techniques to achieve superior outcomes for his patients.
  • Dedication to Patient Care: Known for his compassionate and personalized approach, Dr. Alagappan prioritizes understanding each patient’s unique needs and tailors treatment plans accordingly for optimal results.
  • Proven Track Record: Dr. Alagappan boasts a stellar reputation for consistently delivering successful surgical outcomes, earning the trust and confidence of his patients and colleagues alike.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: Dr. Alagappan places a strong emphasis on comprehensive post-operative care, ensuring that patients receive extensive support and guidance throughout their recovery journey .

Dr. R. M. Alagappan’s unwavering commitment to excellence and his patient-focused approach make him a trusted and respected choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.

When should you consider knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is typically considered when conservative treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications no longer provide adequate relief from knee pain and mobility limitations caused by conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or traumatic injury. It’s recommended when:

  1. Severe Pain: If knee pain persists even at rest or interrupts daily activities.
  2. Limited Mobility: Difficulty in walking, climbing stairs, or getting up from a chair.
  3. Decreased Quality of Life: When knee pain affects your overall quality of life, including sleep and mental well-being.
  4. Failure of Non-Surgical Treatments: When conservative treatments like medications, injections, and physical therapy don’t provide sufficient relief.
  5. Joint Damage: X-rays or other imaging tests show significant joint damage, such as bone-on-bone contact.
  6. Advanced Arthritis: For those with advanced osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, where the joint is severely damaged.


Selecting the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chennai involves understanding their expertise, approach to care, and patient satisfaction. Your journey to recovery starts with choosing a surgeon who aligns with your health needs and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of knee replacement in Chennai varies widely, ranging from approximately INR 1,50,000 to INR 4,00,000. Factors influencing the price include the type of surgery, the choice of implant, the hospital’s accreditation, and the surgeon’s expertise. It’s advisable to check with specific hospitals for the most accurate pricing and insurance coverage options.

The best surgery for knee replacement depends on the individual’s specific medical condition, age, and activity level. Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is widely performed and highly effective for comprehensive joint issues, while Partial Knee Replacement or Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement might be recommended for less extensive damage, offering quicker recovery times.

Knee replacement surgery, like any major surgery, carries risks such as infection, blood clots, implant failure, and nerve damage. However, it is generally considered safe, and serious complications are rare when performed by experienced surgeons. Proper post-operative care and adherence to rehabilitation protocols significantly minimize these risks.

Delaying knee replacement surgery can worsen pain, decrease mobility, and affect quality of life. Over time, joint damage may progress, making surgery more complex and recovery more challenging. Delay can also lead to muscle weakness and imbalance, increasing the risk of falls and other complications. Early intervention can improve outcomes and preserve joint function.