The liver is a vital organ in the human body, responsible for a multitude of functions that help keep us healthy. Recognizing the early symptoms of liver damage is crucial
1. Metabolism 2. Detoxification 3. Production of Proteins 4. Storage 5. Digestion
1. Fatigue 2. Jaundice 3. Abdominal Pain 4. Swelling 5. Unexplained Weight Loss 6. Changes in Urine and Stool 7. Nausea and Vomiting 8. Itchy Skin
1. Viral Infections 2. Alcohol Consumption 3. Medications and Toxins 4. Autoimmune Diseases
1. Prevent Progression 2. Improve Treatment Outcomes 3. Reduce Complications 4. Enhance Quality of Life
Recognizing the early symptoms of liver damage is crucial in maintaining overall health and well-being. The liver’s multifaceted role in the body makes it a vital organ and any damage or disease can have far-reaching effects.